Wafa Hourani
Visual Artist / Artista Visivo

For the Fall 2014 semester, Wafa Hourani led Orientamenti: Reshaping Past Traditions.  This project involves both personal and collaborative work with Wafa Hourani, working with members of the local community as well as with the students of the Siena Art Institute Art & Society course. With a combination of architecture, photography, and sculpture, he offers an intense relflection on the Middle East's future.

Deeply marked by the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the future of the Middle East, Wafa Hourani develops work which reveals the social, political and economical context of life in Palestine.   Graduate from the school of Art and Cinema in Tunis, he first directed films before shifting to a visual production in 2006. According to him, this is a more suited format to express the Palestinian question. Using photography and sculpture, he has been creating environments revealing a reality in which past and future are intrinsically linked.  


“A photo of a closed window does not mean the window is closed we can open it in the photo”
Wafa Hourani

… Along with other means of artistic expression he uses photography either as such or in the form of collage to produce composite images or environments. His diverse photographic and film experiments are organized around the concept of ‘Photolife’ that reflects the many possible ways of using photography (e.g. in the area of personal and collective memory or that of dreams and projections into a future space and time well away from the unbearable constraints experienced by today’s Palestine). - Catherine David

Sart life